Herbert W. Armstrong College students participate in a physical education program designed to strengthen bodies, minds and character. The program includes physical education classes, intramural sports and occasional other special activities.

Armstrong physical education uses CrossFit, a strength and conditioning program that promotes fitness by performing a broad variety of functional movements at high intensity. Armstrong freshmen and sophomores engage in in-class workouts and sports, as well as out-of-class workouts. Many continue their Abundant Life individual workout regimens well after they graduate.

Along with alumni and faculty, students also participate in intramural sports, including basketball, volleyball, softball, touch rugby and flag football. Other physical events include an annual 5K race on the campus, a men’s weight-lifting competition, and a women’s fitness competition. Students and graduates also often participate in the annual Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.

The summer also offers opportunities for physical activity at the Philadelphia Youth Camp. Armstrong students serve as dorm counselors and sports instructors for basketball, volleyball, softball, flag football, swimming, water polo, cycling and canoeing.