Gerald Flurry is chancellor of Herbert W. Armstrong College, which he patterned after Ambassador College. A German dignitary, Franz Joseph Strauss, said of beautiful Ambassador College under Mr. Armstrong, “You see what you can do for the world when you see Ambassador College.” He later said of his full-day visit to Ambassador College that “it was the greatest spiritual lift I ever had.” From the very beginning, Gerald Flurry has sought to make Herbert W. Armstrong College portray the same thing—to show what we can do for the world.

As chancellor, Gerald Flurry oversees the academic and cultural direction of the college. In a 2013 Envoy, the college yearbook, he wrote:

“Today, teachers tell students that history is simply the unfolding of inevitabilities, that no one person can change its irresistible tide. Many American universities don’t require students to take even a single class on history. This is one major reason why we are not developing leaders today: We are not bothering to learn from the great leaders of the past.

“Students at Herbert W. Armstrong College, however, learn the value of understanding the past and the effect one person can have on others and even the whole world. We teach our students that they can change the course of history. In fact, life’s journey is a pursuit of that goal.

“Winston Churchill understood history. He believed that history repeats itself. He recognized patterns playing out as they had in the past. He was the person who best understood what was happening in the world at that time. And he warned and saved Britain during World War II, absolutely altering the course of history.

“Churchill was a powerful communicator. His ability to enlighten others about the lessons of history was the source of his greatness. Although his warning did not gain him favor among the political crowd of his day, he pressed forward courageously.

“Look what one individual did through mighty communication of his understanding of history. Historians hail Mr. Churchill as the savior of Western civilization. Even though he stood alone much of the time, history proved that he was right.

“We give our college students a great deal of training in speech and writing. We have a message that is historical, biblical and secular. History contains many secrets and lessons, and our students learn those secrets, and then learn how to pass them on to others. We teach them how to positively impact other people’s lives.

“We teach in our classes that one person really can make a difference, whether in the life of a child, or in his or her family, community or nation. In small ways, and very soon in much bigger ways, we can change the course of history.”

You can learn more about the educational objectives of Herbert W. Armstrong College here.

Gerald Flurry formerly served under Herbert W. Armstrong as a minister in the Worldwide Church of God, pastoring the Oklahoma City and Enid, Oklahoma, congregations. He has been an ordained minister for over 40 years. He was excommunicated from the Worldwide Church of God on December 7, 1989, for resisting sweeping doctrinal changes that moved away from the example set forward by WCG founder Herbert W. Armstrong.

Since then, Gerald Flurry has preached the wonderful news that Jesus Christ will intervene to save mankind in this generation, as well as delivering a warning message to God’s Church related to the doctrinal changes he resisted. You can learn more about Gerald Flurry at the Philadelphia Church of God website or All of Gerald Flurry’s articles and videos are posted at in his columnist page.

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