Course Listing
Two-Year Curriculum
Four-Year Curriculum
Concurrent Enrollment
Grading System
Academic Calendar

Students may be enrolled in another college while attending Herbert W. Armstrong College. Students desiring to enroll concurrently must complete a Petition for Dual Registration and return it to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will advise students on whether the credits earned at the other institution will transfer to AC and count toward the graduation requirement. Credits earned from another institution without prior approval from the Registrar may not be transferable.
Students may be enrolled in another college while attending Herbert W. Armstrong College. Students desiring to enroll concurrently must complete a Petition for Dual Registration and return it to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will advise students on whether the credits earned at the other institution will transfer to AC and count toward the graduation requirement. Credits earned from another institution without prior approval from the Registrar may not be transferable.